

[var_symmetric_matrix.h, var_symmetric_matrix.hpp]

Square, symmetric, matrix, whereby only the upper-diagonal components are stored:

[ X, X, X ;
     X, X ;
        X ]

The remaining components are inferred from symmetry. This offers memory advantages, but also computational advantages as the library is fed with additional knowledge of the matrix.

#include <cppmat/cppmat.h>

int main()
    cppmat::symmetric::matrix<double> A(3,3);

    A(0,0) = ...

    // A(0,1) = ... -> same as A(1,0) = ...


    std::cout << A << std::endl;

    return 0;


The storage order is as follows:

[ 0, 1, 2 ;
     3, 4 ;
        5 ]

For an NxN matrix (square by definition), the component (i,j) can be extracted by

if (i <= j) i*N - (i-1)*i/2 + j - i;
else        j*N - (j-1)*j/2 + i - j;